General Clothing Information

A professional looking portrait begins with careful preparation. The selection of proper clothing is a critical factor. If the clothing is dominant, it will draw attention away from your face. Clothing that does not attract attention is the ultimate goal. It could be the difference between a very successful portrait and just another picture. We can not stress enough how important it is for you to observe the following criteria:

When you are finished selecting your wardrobe, spread all your clothing out – shoes, socks, everything should be included! Then, take a careful look at the selection. If your eyes are drawn to any one item in particular, you can be certain that the same thing will happen in a photograph. That item should be changed.

Here are some other helpful suggestions for a great portrait!:( but remember - its a guide - its not written in stone)

SIMPLICITY – Clothing should be plain and simple (for something traditional) – no patterns, stripes, bold designs or anything that will distract from your face.

FOCAL POINT – The focal point is where your eye travels first and where your attention is held. The brightest or darkest point in your portrait is usually the focal point. Simplify by having one main focal point – YOU!

COLOR – Try to be consistent with other people in your group. Use the same color or the same tonal values. Clothing below your waistline should be darker than above. Light jeans worn below a darker top could easily attract attention to the lower part of your body and away from your face. White shirts and/or blouses under a dark jacket are perfect. Colors should be dark and not bright. This is so important! Bright colors will attract attention away from your face. Prints or any kind of pattern, no matter how small, may become a distraction. Neckties should be toned down in color with minimal pattern.

NECKLINES – A wide-open neckline tends to thicken the neck in a photograph. On the other hand, a neckline that comes up to the base of the neck, like a turtleneck or a V-neck top, will thin the neck and frame your face beautifully. With a collarless blouse or sweater, a scarf loosely tied around the neck will also help to frame your face.

HAIR STYLE and MAKEUP – Eye makeup should be blended – no sharp demarcation lines between colors. Avoid white above or below your eyes. Too much color above and/or below your eyes will attract attention to your make-up and away from your eyes. Blend foundation makeup at the jaw-line so that there is no demarcation between your face and your neck.Make your hair style you. DO not get anything drastic done - but be prepared to change your hair style for a different look.

JEWELRY – For individual portraits (close up), wear a short, gold or silver necklace, or pearls (collar bone length); for earrings, simple loops or pearls are recommended. For family portraits, type of jewelry is not as important, but the same guidelines are still recommended.

CLASSICAL PORTRAITS – Wear solid colors or subtle patterns – they are submissive and noncompetitive. Deep rich tones such as navy, dark forest green, deep maroon, burgundy, black, or charcoal with subtle accents of jewelry, ties, etc. We recommend V-neck dresses or tops for women.

OUTDOOR PORTRAITS – Wear earth tones, solid colors such as dark navy, green or maroon or very subtle patterns. For a more casual look, denim looks great, or dark cotton slacks and shirt with the same tonal value. Avoid black clothing, unless you are working with a pre-planned theme, such as white with a golden wheat field or black with a granite rock background. Avoid white socks and shoes. Long sleeves are recommended.

FORMAL FAMILY PORTRAITS – For studio portraits, we usually recommend medium to deep tones. Match other people in the group. Long sleeves, dark slacks, dark skirts, dark shoes, and darker stockings are usually best.

HIGH KEY PORTRAITS – All White/Light Portraits. Wear white, off-white, or pastel colors.


SENIOR PORTRAITS – Sophisticated? Radical? Classic? Be creative and have fun with your Senior Portrait Session. Bring several changes of clothes and express your unique personality. A sports jacket, uniform, hobbies, pets – bring whatever is "you."

GIRLS – Wear sweaters, blouses or dresses that have sleeves and a flattering neckline. Darker, autumn colors flatter your skin tones well and attract the viewer to your face. The exception to this is high-key (white background) portraits. Then, clothing and accessories can be all white or all black to place emphasis on your skin tone.

GUYS – For your head and shoulders poses we recommend you wear a sweater or dress shirt and tie (we would be happy to tie it for you in a double-Windsor knot) with a suit or sports coat.

Be sure the neck of the shirt fits perfectly and is not frayed. Schedule a haircut three days prior to your appointment to allow your hair to return to a natural look.

INFORM – Let the photographer know of any special concerns you have about your poses or expressions before you are photographed.

SUNBURN – Don't get burned by this nasty habit. We know that you want to look tan, but please remember we are not able to remove the reddened complexion and pealing caused by sunburn.

HAIR – Wear your hair in your usual style(s). Don't try a new hairstyle or haircut just before your sitting. Hair is not our bag, it's up to you. We can't wash, cut or style your hair either before or after your portrait. Guys, wait to see your previews before you cut your hair for the football season!

GLASSES – If you wear glasses, when possible, obtain a set of matching frames from your optician that have the glass removed. This eliminates the glare, distortion and discoloration that could appear in your eyes.

COMPLEXION – Don't worry about normal blemishes or flaws in your complexion. All finished portraits, except wallets, are retouched to eliminate these imperfections.

MAKEUP – Girls should keep their makeup natural as if going on a date or interview. Avoid light colored eye shadow and "fad"styles.

SHAVING – For the men, a close shave within a few hours of your appointment is a must.

ACCESSORIES – Be sure to bring accessory items with you such as necklaces, earrings, and your class ring. Hats are great for character studies.

REST – Get plenty of rest the night before your appointment. Wake up well before the appointment so you will look your best and not be rushed.

FRIENDS – Bring a friend(s) to be photographed with.

PETS – A well-behaved pet may join you for one of your changes of clothes. Please bring a handler/friend to care for your pet during the rest of your sitting. Be sure to let us know what you have in mind.

RELAX – Our photographers are skilled professionals. They create a fun atmosphere for your Senior Portrait.

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